Food Frontiers is an open access food research journal tackling one of the current biggest challenges: sustainably achieving a global food chain. Covering all areas of food research, this extensive food science journal presents the latest science spanning food chemistry, food nutrition and function, food toxicology and safety, food authenticity, food quality and design, food engineering, food analysis, food processing/storage, food microbiology, sensory science, diets and health, food packaging, food sustainability and food policy.

Why publish in Food Frontiers ?

– Your research could advance scientific discoveries in one of the biggest challenges of our time: sustainably achieving a global food chain.
– Open access publication means that your research is available to read, download and share at ease – translating to more citations.
– Fees for publishing open access are currently waived, so there will be no direct cost to you.
– Themed Collections give like-minded researchers a platform to publish and read cutting-edge content focusing around specific topics.
– Inclusion in the Directory of Open Access Journals and ESCI could increase the discoverability of your research.